RDPS Student Council is a representative structure of RDPS students through which they become involved in all activities of school in collaboration with school administrators, staff and parents which impact RDPS family. The council aims at:
Listening to RDPS students: listen to the view, opinions and ideas of all RDPS students in the school
Representing RDPS views: Be a forum for RDPS concerns to be addressed in a diplomatic way to the RDPS council advisors
Providing information for peer support: Provide the advisors with information of problems that students have at RDPS, for example peer pressure, bullying etc., and the council can act as a peer support group supporting on a confidential basis above RDPS students with problems for example: personal, social or teacher/RDPS relationship
Providing an educational opportunity: the council is a learning tool. RDPS students learn to think critically through involvement in RDPS council
Enriching school ambience: Create an optimistic school ambience feeding in all RDPS students with a sense of dedication towards their school inorder to improve their day-to-day condition for students for example: School uniform, food, drinks, breaks, toilet facilities etc.
Enhancing RDPS student - teacher relationship: The RDPS council enhances and strengthens RDPS student - teacher relationships thereby making RDPS a joyful place for learning
Refining and Redefining the learning environment: the council aids to refine and redefine the learning environment by clubbing scholastic and co-scholastic activities of Students
“True Leaders Never Create Followers, They Create Leader”Members of RDPS Council
- Head Boy, Head Girl
- Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl
- Sports Secretary
- Cultural Secretary
- Captains and Vice-Captains of all Houses
- Prefects and Assistant Prefects of all classes